Velez Legal
Schedule Your Free Consultation: 561-739-1032  Se Habla Español

With You Through It All

Distinguished Dedication For Florida’s Injured

At Velez Legal, P.A., we understand that the consequences of a personal injury go beyond physical trauma. It can seem very difficult to answer the essential question – “What happens next?” – that arises after the shock and adrenaline of an accident have faded. How extensive are your injuries, and how much will they cost to treat? Should you pursue financial compensation or settle for a quick payout from your insurance company? Will your pain be permanent?

Our personal injury attorneys distinguish themselves with their commitment, not just to your case, but to your recovery. We begin with an honest discussion of your situation and your injuries; we connect you with medical experts who can help you understand your injuries; we scrutinize the details of your accident and your health to build a case that can secure the compensation you need. From your free consultation to a jury verdict, we’re with you through it all.

You can learn more about our attorneys by clicking the links below:

Informing Your Path To Recovery

Rebuilding your health begins with a comprehensive understanding of your situation and your options. At Velez Legal, P.A., our attorneys meet with you directly to ensure you know:

  • The complexity of your injuries, and how long they may persist
  • What type of adjustments to your lifestyle or career your injuries may require
  • How financial compensation can help you afford the treatment and recovery processes, and what your options for pursuing that compensation may be.

By guiding you to the answers you need, we enable you to make informed decisions about your case. We put control in your hands – replacing the confusion of a personal injury with clarity and confidence.

Call Before You Accept A Check

If you have suffered a personal injury in Orlando or elsewhere in Florida, speak with an attorney as soon as possible. Accepting a quick check from an insurance company or from the party responsible for your injury can limit or eliminate your ability to seek the full compensation you need. To schedule your free consultation with Velez Legal, P.A., call 561-739-1032 or complete our online form.